Edmonds Cooking
Website Design & Development

Transitioning New Zealand's most well known cookery book online.

Showcase popular recipes for everyday baking needs

Showcase popular recipes for everyday baking needs

The goal of the redesign was simple: showcase products and recipes for everyday baking needs. Within the first four months of launch, the website already has over 13,000 users in its database and sees, on average 2,000+ visitors per month. Our fully custom CMS called October keeps everything organised in the backend, and allows for scalable enhancements as business requirements evolve. 

High-value functionality on the back-end

High-value functionality on the back-end

One of those scalable enhancements integrated shortly after the website, was a custom EDM (email marketing) platform that allows marketers to send email campaigns directly from the website, which saves considerable time when creating newsletters and campaigns. A metrics dashboard also enables them to see a suite of information related to email opens, readability and overall campaign effectiveness. 

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