Tree Adventures

Enhancing the visitor experience through continuous digital optimisation and improvement.

Rethinking the approach.

Rethinking the approach.

Tree Adventures is a staple when it comes to tourist destinations in NZ. Nestled in the Woodhill forest about 20 minutes from Auckland’s CBD, it feels like a completely different world once you arrive underneath the beautiful pine tree canopy anxiously awaiting the one-of-kind treetop experience. 

Tree Adventures has always relied on word of mouth visitors and is largely domestic tourism focused. As a result,  they’ve benefited from having a consistent flow of return visitors - families year around, school groups during school holidays and corporate clients and their Christmas functions. 

In addition to their emphasis on exceptional customer experience, the diverse range of customer segments enabled Tree Adventures to steadily grow their visitor numbers consistently over the years. However, like every tourism business in NZ, Covid-19 has had a dramatic impact on operations, requiring Tree Adventures to rethink its approach to how they would market and deliver their offering moving forward.  

A plan for better utilising digital technologies.

A plan for better utilising digital technologies.

When Tree Adventures engaged Dream Config for their marketing needs, the 2020/21 summer season was fast approaching. It was also their most important sales period given their seasonality. Being a considerably unknown time for businesses, especially for tourism given their reliance on both domestic and overseas visitors, it was essential that the investment provided a positive return. 

Investing in a digital strategy to help them obtain more clarity around their visitors, reaffirm brand positioning and develop tactical opportunities to address the changing market would make up their strategic priorities for the next 6-12 months. This would ultimately help Tree Adventures develop a more sustainable and measurable approach to better utilising their digital technologies and weathering out the storm ahead.

Implementing specific playbooks to drive traffic and conversions.

Implementing specific playbooks to drive traffic and conversions.

The Tree Adventures digital strategy we developed comprised of 3 parts:

Firstly, a website and content audit, which was our starting point to find key pressure points that once fixed would help relieve customer journey pain points immediately.

Next up was implementing specific playbooks to drive traffic and conversions. We settled on a combination of SEO optimisation, content creation and a paid media playbooks, which helped provide targeted and measurable growth. 

Lastly, our monthly reporting and strategy alignment helped keep us on the right track, making tweaks to the strategy where necessary in order to meet our intended growth goals. 

Through challenge comes growth.

Through challenge comes growth.

The outcomes from our initial 3 month sprint leading up to the new year proved largely successful. Despite multiple lockdowns along the way, we managed to hit our revenue targets. A few key numbers also included: 

 - 45% increase in organic traffic (7 months)

 - 124% increase in website users

We’re thrilled to continue to work alongside this New Zealand tourism staple to help them navigate through unprecedented times. If one thing is for certain it’s that through challenge comes growth. 

Having access to your tourism data can help with the required digital transformation. Get in touch and we’ll show you how you can adapt your business strategy for a better tourism future. 

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